Decorative Stone

We Stock Beautiful Decorative Stones in Ballarat

Our Decorative Stone Range

At The Soil Yard, we offer a wide selection of pebbles and decorative stones in Ballarat to add a unique touch to your landscaping. Whether you are looking for accents in your garden beds or a more permanent fixture in your outdoor hardscaping, we have options to suit any design preference.

Our decorative stones come in various sizes, shapes and colours to complement the existing features of your yard. We stock:

  • Large river pebbles
  • Seymour river pebbles 
  • Tuscan pebbles
  • Salt creek
  • Quartz

These stones are perfect for adding texture and interest to your garden, as well as being a functional solution for drainage.

To ensure your landscaping project is a rock-solid success, choose from The Soil Yard’s decorative stone range. Visit us in-store or take advantage of our bulk-delivery options.

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Transforming Your Garden with Our Stones

The possibilities are endless when you incorporate our decorative stones and pebbles into your garden design. Thanks to the durability of our stones and the various sizes, colours and textures we stock, we have an option to suit every preference and existing garden.

Here are just a few of our favourite ways you can use our decorative stones:

  1. Creating a unique pebble pathway through your garden
  2. Crafting eye-catching garden retaining walls 
  3. Replacing or working with traditional mulch 
  4. Transforming water features such as ponds & fountains 
  5. Adding pebble accent pieces in your flower beds 
  6. Building a unique rock garden around plants such as succulents 
  7. Filling in bare patches of garden soil with unique stone arrangements
  8. And much, much more

Don't hesitate to get creative and experiment with our decorative stones and pebbles. If you’re ready to transform your garden with our stunning selection of stones, visit us in-store or call us to organise delivery right to your door!

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